Kunstprojekt 2005-55: Licht und Schatten, Kunstpavilion - Begegnungen in der Neuen Mitte Europas, Eschlkam-Stachesried, Germany. October 2005 - 2055
Licht Und Schatten Pyramid installation, Eschlkam-Stachesried, Germany
B. SAKATA GARO, “Peter Wayne Lewis Paintings” Sacramento, CA. July 2 - August 2, 2025
Reception with the Artist: Saturday, July 12, 2025, 5 - 7 p.m.
B. SAKATA GARO, “Works from Jeanne Aurel Schneider.” Curated by Peter Wayne Lewis, Sacramento, CA. August 6 - August 30, 2025
Reception with the Curator & Family: Saturday, August 9, 2025, 5 - 7 p.m.
DRAW PROJECT - 2014+ Curators: Tomas Vu & Rirkrit Tiravanija
Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, New York, NY. October 2025
447 SPACE, “MONK,” 447 West 17th Street, New York, NY. September 13 - October 25, 2024.
See the Review in the Brooklyn Rail by William Corbin, titled Peter Wayne Lewis: Monk in the ArtSeen section, November 2024 issue.
Peter Wayne Lewis takes us through his exhibition, MONK, at 447 Space on September 12, 2024
Bending Time Suite # 5 Yin #,s 1, 7, 5, 9, 3 of9 (2018) and Monk Time Suite (2013) detail from the side
Monk Time Suite detail of module # 2 (2013)
Panel discussion on the MONK exhibition with Janice Gardner Cecil, Richard Vine and Peter Wayne Lewis.
DRAW PROJECT - 2014+ Curators: Tomas Vu & Rirkrit Tiravanija
UMASS/LOWELL Galleries, "Draw Lowell: Confluence", UMASS Lowell University Gallery, on the first floor of Mahoney Hall at 870 Broadway Street, Lowell, Mass.
The dates for the exhibition will be from September 12th - November 3rd 2024.
There will be ongoing Openings for that weekend from September 12th-14th, since there will be 5 other venues for the public to attend in Lowell:
Arts League of Lowell (ALL)
Whistler House Museum (WHMA)
Brush Art Gallery and Studios
Arts Research Collaborative
University Gallery and Mahoney Gallery @UML
Behind the Black Hole Lamothe #1(single), 2024, Acrylic Pencil on Wine Filter Paper, 15.8 x 15.8 in
Upper Left: Behind the Black Hole Lamothe #1(single), 2024, Acrylic Pencil on Wine Filter Paper, 15.8 x 15.8 in
Upper Left Second Row: Behind the Black Hole Lamothe #2(single), 2024, Acrylic Pencil on Wine Filter Paper, 15.8 x 15.8 in
GALLERY PUZIC, "Lost in Transition," Johannisstrasse 3A, Saarbrucken, Germany, 66111. June 21 - August 30, 2024. Curator: Bodo Korsig
Opening Reception: June 21, 2024, 6 pm
Exhibition Brochure (18.6mb)
RED GATE GALLERY, “Take Away: International Artists in the Collection of Brian Wallace,” Beijing, China. December 17, 2023 - March 2024.
B. SAKATA GARO, “Kingston to Sacramento: A Painter’s Journey,” Sacramento, CA. October 3 - 28, 2023
Reception with Artist: Saturday, October 14, 2023, 5 - 7 p.m.
Review! “Peter Wayne Lewis @ b. sakata garo,” Squarecylinder.com, OCTOBER 10, 2023 by David M. Roth
Kingsley Art Club Speaker is to be Peter Wayne Lewis on October 18, 2023, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the Crocker Art Museum Auditorium; “FROM KINGSTON TO SACRAMENTO AND BEYOND; A PERSONAL JOURNEY OF A PAINTER”
The Lecture on YouTube
Peter Wayne Lewis gave a 1 hour & 8 minute lecture titled, “From Kingston to Sacramento and Beyond,” at the Crocker Art Museum on 10/18/23, as part of the Kingsley Art Club lecture series.
Suite in Grey #36, 2011, 107x91cm, Acrylic on linen (c)Peter Wayne Lewis
DRAW PROJECT - 2014+ Curators: Tomas Vu & Rirkrit Tiravanija
Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum, Draw: Point to Point, Florida International Museum (FIU), Miami, FL.
Saturday, June 17, 2023 — Sunday, September 17, 2023
Saturday, June 17th Opening Reception: e-Vite
AOA;87 Gallery, Between Light and Shadow, Bamberg, Germany. March 3 - April 22, 2023. Curator: Bodo Korsig
Opening Reception | Eröffnung 3. März, 19:00 Uhr
SKOTO GALLERY, “The Buoyancy Paintings,” 529 West 20th St., 5th Floor, New York, NY. January 19 - March 4, 2023; hours Tues to Sat - 11am to 6pm
Opening Reception: Thursday January 19th 6 to 8 pm
Buoyancy # 14, 2022, 40 x 64 in, Oil On Canvas, (c)Peter Wayne Lewis
SUNSHINE INTERNATIONAL ART MUSEUM, The First China New National Tide Art Exhibition, Songzhuang, China. January - July, 2023
“无远弗届 Border Free 展厅预览,” December 4-18, 2022
“Future? - New Year Group Exhibition,” Beijing, China. January 1 - March 27, 2022
Red Gate Gallery 30th Anniversary - Memory Wall
30周年 | Peter Wayne Lewis - From Kingston to Beijing >> My first real time spent in the production of paintings in China was in 2007 as a participant in the Red Gate Gallery International Studio Program...more from Peter about his memories of Red Gate Gallery
TATAMI MUSEUM OF ART, “In Praise of Zen,” Eiheiji, Japan. November 14 - 30, 2021
SHANGHAI HONGQIAO CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM (SHCAM), “Mirror Reflection International Printmaking Exhibition,” Shanghai, China. September 2 - 20, 2021.
Link to (.pdf) eBook for the exhibition
DRAW PROJECT - 2014+ Curators: Tomas Vu & Rirkrit Tiravanija
THE MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, DRAWN (OVER), Vojvodina, Serbia. June 15 - July 15, 2018
Selected Press
“Peter Wayne Lewis @ b. sakata garo,” Squarecylinder.com, OCTOBER 10, 2023 by David M. Roth
"Peter Wayne Lewis: Monk,” Brooklyn Rail, November 2024 by William Corbin
“From Music & Physics,” People’s Daily Overseas Edition Japan Monthly, Eyes of Asia Vol. 82, Feb. 2025, page 58 by Shun Hong
The prestigious Art Bund Magazine digital issue January 8, 2022 features Peter Wayne Lewis with an article by the Director and CEO of UCCA (Ullens Center for Contemporary Art), Philip Tinari, PhD, PETER WAYNE LEWIS - Meditations in an Emergency (English) (Chinese) (Japanese) (Deutsch) Art Bund Magazine, January 8, 2022
Xiaoming Zhong, Cosmic Oscillations: The Art of Peter Wayne Lewis, Catalog for MONK exhibition by Peter Wayne Lewis presented by Sean Scully and 447 Space, pages 18-22, September 12, 2024 (Downloadable)
Fran Kaufman, Peter Wayne Lewis in Pursuit of the Right Notes, Catalog for MONK exhibition by Peter Wayne Lewis presented by Sean Scully and 447 Space, pages 16-17, September 12, 2024 (Downloadable)
Catherine Amidon, PhD, Into a Rabbit Hole, Catalog for MONK exhibition by Peter Wayne Lewis presented by Sean Scully and 447 Space, pages 10-15, September 12, 2024 (Français) (Downloadable)
Philip Tinari, PhD, PETER WAYNE LEWIS - Meditations in an Emergency (English) (Chinese) (Japanese) (Deutsch) Art Bund Magazine, January 8, 2022
Catherine Amidon, PhD, Peter Wayne Lewis: Between the Known and the Unknown, August 2022
Kathrine Page, Exhibition- Peter Wayne Lewis _ John William Gallery, August 2022
Catherine Amidon, PhD., Peter Wayne Lewis: A Vibrant Guest, (English) (Deutsch) 2019
Babacar MBow, Multilogues For The Human, Black Renaissance Noire Magazine, (English) (Deutsch) (Japanese) 2015
Stacey Duff, Blue and Green: some notes on the work of Peter Wayne Lewis, The Visual ArtsIn China from The American Embassy in Beijing pages 23-25 (English & Chinese) 2012
Ding Ning, PhD., Graceful Spontaneity in Peter Wayne Lewis’s Painting, NYArts Magazine, (English) (Chinese) 2006
Eloise Johnson, PhD., Peter Wayne Lewis, 2003
David Carrier, PhD., Formed in Darkness, Born into the Light: Peter Wayne Lewis talks about his New Paintings, "Fields," (English) (Deutsch) 2000
Frederick Spratt, Revisiting the 20th Century, (English) (Deutsch) 1992; Smithsonian Institution Online Virtual Archives item 12 of page 1 of 9, Parish Gallery records, Exhibition of Works by Peter Wayne Lewis, 1995; Downloadable
Carl Heyward, On Peter Wayne Lewis, 1990; Smithsonian Institution Online Virtual Archives item 9 of page 1 of 9, Parish Gallery records, Exhibition of Works by Peter Wayne Lewis, 1995; Downloadable
Projects, Commissions, Lectures, Collections
Sacramento, California
CSL, 1982, Oil On Linen, 60 x 96 in (c) Peter Wayne Lewis
Collection BMCA Law Group
Beijing Booster #’s 505, 508, 516, 531, 532, 2009, 30 x 22 in, Acrylic on Paper mounted on Linen, (c)Peter Wayne Lewis
Collection of NBA Sacramento Kings Team, California, USA

On December 3rd, 2021 the AfriKin Art Fair held an artist panel discussion on the James Baldwin talk on his book, "The Fire Next Time." Peter was the last to speak and provided a wonderful summary of the points made by all of the artists on the panel.
Peter discusses his work and its relationship to American jazz in this exhibition of his Booster paintings at the UCCA in Beijing.
Mr. Lewis' works fall into the broad class of abstract expressionism having an organic look and improvisational qualities. Reactions to such art will be based on an observer's peculiar background. This is visual jazz.
Jinr Zhang playing the guchin with Buddha Plays Monk paintings by Peter Wayne Lewis at Matthias Kuper Gallery in Beijing, China in 2012.
The Tyrone Adderley Lectures at Massachussetts College of Art & Design, Committee Chair
Adderley Lecture Videos page: The Cornel West Lecture has been made public. For the other lectures, please contact us
20 Years of Adderley Lecture Series @ MassArt, over 20 years Committee Chair
Cornel West's Tyrone Maurice Adderley Lecturer for 2019 >> click to see Cornel's impactful lecture
Adderley Lecture Videos page >> Contact us to view the videos other than Cornel West's, which has been made public
Adderley Lecture Videos page >> Contact us to view the videos other than Cornel West's, which has been made public
Announcing the Parish Gallery records, 1940-2013, in the Smithsonian Institution, Smithsonian Online Virtual Archives of American Art Photo: Gwen & Norm Parish, beloved couple devoted to art and the Parish Gallery in Georgetown, DC
Dreads, book and photos by Francesco Mastalia

Donna Jackson completed her Master of Arts thesis, "Peter Wayne Lewis: The Evolution of an Abstract Artist," in December of 2002 at Howard University
Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire magazine, Vol. 15, Issue 2, Fall pp 116-127 article on Peter Wayne Lewis, "Multilogues For The Human" by Babacar MBow
Fall 2012 The Visual Arts In China magazine from The American Embassy, Beijing. Interview by Stacey Duff with Peter Wayne Lewis is on pgs 23-25
The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, CD Cover: Blue Swan Suite #21, 1995, 60x48in, Oil on Linen
Seton Hall magazine cover, Douglass Purviance, The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra Producer, with his Blue Swan Suite #21, 1995, 60x48in, Oil on Linen painting by Peter Wayne Lewis
Mackie: It's Great to be Alive, CD Cover: Portrait of Mackie pen on paper napkin